
It is time to conduct the election of Louisville Section officers for CY 2023.  I have enclosed the duties of section officers from the IEEE MGA Operations Manual for your information.  The nominees of the Executive Committee for CY 2023 are in the list below.  Please note that these are the RECOMMENDATIONS of the nominating committee.  If any of you would like to volunteer for elected office of the section, feel free to contact us and make your wishes known, we will then issue a finalized list of nominees for elected office.  The nominating committee recommends the following officers for CY 2023:

  1. Jason Finn – Chair.  This will be Jason’s second term (4 years total).  He must rotate off next year.
  2. Kasey Morgan – Vice Chair.  This will be Kasey’s first term as Vice Chair. 
  3. Tim Brooks – Treasurer.  This will be Tim’s second term (4 years total).  He must rotate off next year.
  4. Charlie Waters – Secretary.   This will be Charlie’s second term (4 years total).  He must rotate off next year.

If you wish to volunteer, there are also appointed officers for the Chapters of the Computer Society and Power and Energy Society of the IEEE.  These chapters are affiliated with both the Louisville Section and the IEEE Technical Society mentioned.  Also, if any of you have particular skills in social media and/or web development and you wish to serve, we can certainly use your help.

We will conduct the election for our officers at the next technical meeting of the section on Dec. 6th at the University of Louisville Golf Club.  I have attached the flyer if you wish to attend this meeting.  See the vTools entry for how to RSVP. We have to give a headcount to the ULGC no later than Nov. 28th for our reservations.

Thanks in advance for your interest in managing the Louisville Section.

Best wishes,
Andy Dozier
IEEE Louisville Section