For a list of all past events back to 2010, see:

EV Charging Systems, Implementation, Codes & Standards, and Grid Considerations 

Speaker:     Mitch Simmons, PE Eaton Corporation- Connected Solutions Group

Abstract: Electric vehicle charging is a core piece of the energy transition programs promulgated by numerous interests.  During this session, the characteristics of various charging platforms will be examined for performance, codes and standards, and the impact on electrical power distribution.

Date:               Thursday, December 12, 2024
Time:        6:00 PM – Reception by Eaton /// 7:00 PM – Dinner /// 7:30 PM – Presentation
Location:        University of Louisville Golf Club, 401 Champions Way, Simpsonville, KY 40067
Price:              $20 members & guests. $10 students, life members, and their guests

Foundation for Innovation: Exciting Developments at the J.B. Speed School

Speakers:  Dr. John Naber and Ms. Teresa Leezer
Abstract:  The University of Louisville is embarking on a campaign to construct a world-class engineering building to shape the next era of innovation and discovery. With world-class laboratories, collaborative spaces and advanced technology at their fingertips, students and faculty will unlock new frontiers in engineering, driving progress in fields such as sustainable energy, biomedical engineering, artificial intelligence and beyond. The new building will open as we commemorate the 100th anniversary of the J.B. Speed School of Engineering

Date:              October 8, 2024
Times:            11:00 a.m.  – Sign-in, Pay and Socialize ::::: 11:30 a.m  – Lunch ::::: 12:30 p.m.  – Presentation
Location:        University Club of Louisville, 200 East Brandeis Avenue, Louisville, KY
Price:              $ 20 – Members and Guest ::::: $10 – Students, Life Members, and their guests

Rabbit Hole Distillery Tour

Date/Time: 26 July 2024 /// 1:00 pm
Location:      711 E Jefferson Street, Louisville, KY
Prices:           $10 Cash at the Time of Event

IEEE Night at the Louisville Bats – Louisville Section Social

Date: Thursday, June 13, 2024
Time: 5:00 PM – Gates Open /// 7:05 PM – First Pitch
Slugger Field – Downtown Louisville
Price: $10 members and guests // $5 life members // $5 students


LG&E/KU’s Transmission and Distribution Control Center (TCC/DCC) tour.  During this tour, technical experts from LG&E and KU will provide walkthroughs of the company’s cutting-edge Distribution   Control Center (DCC), Transmission Control Center (TCC), and corporate data center.  These facilities are used to manage day to day operations of the electric grid throughout Kentucky. Discussions will be held to highlight the many projects and enhancements that are currently underway with each facility.  Discussions will include advanced smartgrid functions currently in use, as well as those under development for grid operation.

Speaker: Nick Jewell, Group Leader of EDO Emerging Technology Engineering, LG&E/KU

Date: Friday, April 19, 2024
Time: 2:00 PM Eastern
LG&E and KU Control Center, 55 Kingbrook Parkway, Simpsonville, KY 40067
Price: Free

Robotics and Automation at the Louisville Automation and Robotics Research Institute (LARRI)

Join U of L Associate Professor of Computer Science & Engineering Adrian Lauf in a discussion of robotics and automation, complete with a tour of the Louisville Automation and Robotics Research Institute (LARRI). Learn about cutting-edge efforts in robotic medical assistants, surgery in space, unmanned aerial systems, and more! During the facility tour, demonstrations will be given where possible. Come experience the wonders of robotics research!

Speaker:     Dr. Adrian Lauf, Associate Professor, CSE (University of Louisville)

Date:              Wednesday, March 13, 2024
Time:              6:00 pm – Sign-in, Pay and Socialize ::: 6:30 pm – Buffet Dinner ::: 7:00 pm – Presentation
Location:        University Club – Univ. of Louisville Campus
Price:              $20 members and guests
$10 life members and students

Louisville & Lexington Sections Joint Holiday Party & Hard-Hearted Scrolls: Reading the Herculaneum Papyri

The scrolls of Herculaneum were sealed away in 79 AD, when the eruption of Mount
Vesuvius buried Herculaneum and nearby Pompeii in many meters of mud, rock, and ash.
Discovered in the 18th century, these scrolls represent the only surviving library from
antiquity. Charred and brittle, the scrolls are too fragile to be opened physically, and many
hundreds remain unopened and unread. This talk will present the modern, noninvasive
efforts to reveal the contents of the scrolls. After two decades of development, techniques
combining X-ray CT imaging, software, and machine learning are enabling the scrolls to be
read for the first time.

Speaker: Dr. Stephen Parsons, PhD. Research Adviser, Vesuvius Challenge

Time: 6 PM EST: Reception with Cash Bar, 7 PM: Dinner, 7:30 PM: Presentation
Location: University of Louisville Golf Club, 401 Champions Way, Simpsonville, KY 40067
Price: $25 members, guests. $5 students.
Menu: Dinner Buffet, Cash Bar

Mission Critical Data Center Operations

Some of the keystones of mission critical operations are redundancy, equipment reliability,
system simplicity and structured processes. Nothing is left to chance in an environment where
tens to hundreds of millions of dollars may be lost if an outage were to occur. During this session,
we will discuss these keystones and how they are applied to our operation of Eaton’s data
centers. After the presentation, we will split into groups for a tour of the data center.

Eaton’s two Kentucky data centers house many thousands of servers running critical
applications, petabytes of storage as well as the necessary networking and security components.
The applications in the data centers support manufacturing, supply chain, finance, and many
other critical functions on a global scale 24/7.

Speakers: Vinod Nair, Eaton Corporation and Rob Rich, Eaton Corporation

Time: Arrive: 5:45 PM Eastern, Dinner: 6:00 PM, Dinner Continues with Presentation: 6:15 PM
Location: Eaton Corporation, Louisville, KY
Price: Free
Menu: Food and soft drinks provided by Eaton.

Creating HDTV Videos from your Photos

Don’t keep your photos trapped in a little camera or cell phone. There are
techniques for moving those photos to your computer. Then learn the process
for creating a unique video of those photos and finally transporting the show to
any Big-Screen (HD)TV. A 20-minute show will display samples of videos which
have been created over the past years. During the discussion, Lee Hoke will
guide you through the techniques required to create ‘Your Big Show’.

Speaker: Lee Hoke, IEEE Life Fellow:

Date: Thursday, September 21, 2023
Time: 2:00 PM – Sign-in ::: 2:30 PM – Presentation ::: 3:30 PM – Follow Up
Location: Flanagan’s Ale House: 934 Baxter Ave, Louisville, KY 40204

Intrinsically Safe Design

As vehicle technology has advanced over the years, so have the fuel sources and materials used to make the vehicles. While performing repairs to vehicles, these fuel sources or materials may present a hazard with arcing or sparking components. These hazardous locations rely on special design accommodations to reduce the amount of energy supplied to negate the risk of a hazard. What are these hazardous materials? Are there different types of hazardous locations or regulations for different materials? How can we design to minimize risk in hazardous locations?

Co-Sponsor: This Event is Co-sponsored by the Hanover College Engineering Club.

Date:                Tuesday, September 12th
Time:                6:00 PM  – Sign-in and Tours
6:30 PM – Dinner
7:00 PM – Presentation
8:00 PM – Networking, Questions and Follow Up
Location:          Hanover College, Science Center

The History of Visual Magic in Computers: How Beautiful Images are Made in CAD, 3D, VR and AR

If you have ever looked at a fantastic adventure or science fiction movie, or an amazingly complex and rich computer game, or a TV commercial where cars or gas pumps or biscuits behaved liked people and wondered, “How do they do that?”, then you’ve experienced the magic of 3D worlds generated by a computer.

3D in computers began as a way to represent automotive designs and illustrate the construction of molecules. 3D graphics use evolved to visualizations of simulated data and artistic representations of imaginary worlds.

In order to overcome the processing limitations of the computer, graphics had to exploit the characteristics of the eye and brain, and develop visual tricks to simulate realism. The goal is to create graphics images that will overcome the visual cues that cause disbelief and tell the viewer this is not real.

Thousands of people over thousands of years have developed the building blocks and made the discoveries in mathematics and science to make such 3D magic possible, and Dr. Peddie’s The History of Visual Magic in Computers is dedicated to all of them and tells a little of their story.

It traces the earliest understanding of 3D and then foundational mathematics to explain and construct 3D; from mechanical computers up to today’s tablets. Several of the amazing computer graphics algorithms and tricks came of periods where eruptions of new ideas and techniques seem to occur all at once. Applications emerged as the fundamentals of how to draw lines and create realistic images were better understood, leading to hardware 3D controllers that drive the display all the way to stereovision and virtual reality.

Maps the history of the techniques behind science fiction movies, complex and rich computer games, and TV commercials capable of making cars, gas pumps and biscuits behave like human beings.

Date:                Thursday, August 31tst                   
Time:                7:30 – 9:00 pm EASTERN
Location:          Zoom Meeting
Price:                Free

Dr. Jon Peddie, President of Jon Peddie Research & Author The History of Visual Magic in Computers

CIT Summer Series – Yuhong Liu – Trust and Privacy Vulnerabilities of Today’s Online Social Networks

As we move further into the big data era, people are motivated in numerous ways to proactively generate, share and exchange diverse digital contents online every day. While the increasing amount of information greatly facilitates people’s decision makings, it also brings great challenges. For example, driven by the huge profits behind the big data economy, malicious attacks are emerging rapidly to mislead normal users’ decision-making process by providing carefully crafted false information. In addition, retrieving tremendous amount of user private information has become a popular attack target. This talk will discuss the security, trust and privacy issues in online social networks, the trend and challenges, particularly focusing on several sample attacks.

Date:                Thursday, August 10th                   
Time:                7:30 – 9:00 pm EASTERN
Location:          Zoom Meeting
Price:                Free

Speaker: Dr. Yuhong Liu – Associate Professor at Department of Computer Engineering Santa Clara University

CIT Summer Series – Nael Abu-Ghazaleh – Security challenges and opportunities at the Intersection of Architecture and ML/AI

Machine learning is an increasingly important computational workload as data-driven deep learning models are becoming increasingly important in a wide range of application spaces. Computer systems, from the architecture up, have been impacted by ML in two primary directions: (1) ML is an increasingly important computing workload, with new accelerators and systems targeted to support both training and inference at scale; and (2) ML supporting architecture decisions, with new machine learning based algorithms controlling systems to optimize their performance, reliability and robustness. In this talk, I will explore the intersection of security, ML and architecture, identifying both security challenges and opportunities. Machine learning systems are vulnerable to new attacks including adversarial attacks crafted to fool a classifier to the attacker’s advantage, membership inference attacks attempting to compromise the privacy of the training data, and model extraction attacks seeking to recover the hyperparameters of a (secret) model. Architecture can be a target of these attacks when supporting ML, but also provides an opportunity to develop defenses against them, which I will illustrate with three examples from our recent work. First, I show how ML based hardware malware detectors can be attacked with adversarial perturbations to the Malware and how we can develop detectors that resist these attacks. Second, I will also show an example of a microarchitectural side channel attacks that can be used to extract the secret parameters of a neural network and potential defenses against it. Finally, I will also discuss how architecture can be used to make ML more robust against adversarial and membership inference attacks using the idea of approximate computing. I will conclude with describing some other potential open problems.

Date:                Thursday, July 20th                   
Time:                7:30 – 9:00 pm EASTERN
Location:          Zoom Meeting
Price:                Free

Speaker: Dr. Nael Abu-Ghazaleh, Professor, Director of the Computer Engineering Program, University of California, Riverside

Lou City FC vs. Pittsburgh Riverhounds

Louisville Section, Life Member Affinity Group, Computer Society Chapter, and PES Chapter Social Event. Carpooling is suggested. We will have access to the corner bar before the game.  The bar is no-host.  All tickets will be electronic.  To receive your ticket from John Doyle, you will need a SeatGeek account. 

Wednesday, July 12, 2023, 8:00 PM
Lynn Family Stadium, 350 Adams St, Louisville, KY 40206
$20 Members/Guests, $15 Life Members and Students

IEEE Night at the Louisville Bats – Louisville Section Meeting

The Bats will take on the St. Paul Saints at Slugger Field in downtown Louisville. This is a “thirsty Thursday” game featuring $2 Miller Light. There is a $10 concession pre-load on our tickets. This event is sponsored by the IEEE Louisville Section, the Life Member Affinity Group (LMAG) of the Louisville Section, and the Computer Society Branch of the Louisville Section.

Thursday, June 15, 2023 – 5:00 PM – Gates Open – 6:35 PM – First Pitch
Slugger Field – Downtown Louisville, 401 E Main St, Louisville, KY 40202
$20 members and guests, $15 life members, $10 students
(Tickets include $10 of concessions)

Life Member Affinity Group Get-Together

Come join us for a fun afternoon of friendship! This is aimed at Life Members, but all Section members are welcome to attend. War Stories from Working Days, Travel Stories, Fishing Stories and other Lies, Tall Tales and Funny Stories, Etc.

Wednesday, May 31st, 2023, 2:00-5:00 PM
Quills Coffee Shop – 930 Baxter Avenue
No tickets / Free

Tractor-Trailer Data – Past, Present, and Future

It has always been important for vehicle operators to be aware of what is going on with their vehicle and their surroundings.  As technology has evolved, regulations have followed with the goal of keep our roads safe.  This is especially important with Class 8 heavy trucks.  What information is exchanged on our current tractor-trailer systems?  What technologies are being used?  What information do we want to be available?  What work is being done to solve these challenges?

Paul Miller – Staff Electrical Engineer at Grote Industries
Wednesday, May 10, 2023 – 6:30 PM
Upland Brewery, 707 W Riverside Drive, Jeffersonville, IN 47130
Price: Free.  Members and guests will order and pay for their own food and drinks

A Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Approach for Intelligent Spectrum Optimization for Future Aeronautical Communications

The emergence of new aerial vehicles into the airspace and the continued growth of aviation operations will cause increasing demands for wireless communications throughout the National Airspace System (NAS). In particular, the emerging concepts of Urban Air Mobility (UAM) and Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) open a new paradigm for urban air transportation. By partnering with NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC), the University of Louisville has been investigating intelligent spectrum management solutions to maximize the spectrum utilization efficiency for aeronautical communications in support of future air transportation systems. This seminar will present the latest development of the Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) based solutions on air-ground and air-air communications.

Speaker: Dr. Hongxiang Li – Associate Professor University of Louisville Ph.D. University of Washington Seattle, 2008
Thursday, April 20th, 2023
University Club – Univ. of Louisville Campus
200 E Brandeis Ave, Louisville, KY
$15 members and guests, $10 life members and students

Overcurrent Protective Device (OCP) Basics

Circuit breakers and fuses in our electrical power distribution systems are easily overlooked.  However, these devices are critical for the safe and reliable operation of the equipment and systems in our world.  These devices support and, in some cases, enable the energy transition with microgrid control and EV charging.

During this session, we looked at the characteristics of low voltage fuses and circuit breakers up to 6000 amps, their standards and construction, and the consequences of application outside of design characteristics.  Code and standard requirements for ground fault protection will be examined, along with the basics of how these systems function.

Speaker: Eric Elwell, P.E. – Eaton Corporation
Thursday, March 2nd, 2023
Eaton Corporation, 4620 Proximity Drive, Suite A, Louisville, KY 40213
Price: Free

Louisville & Lexington Sections Joint Holiday Party

As NASA moves closer to sending humans to Mars and beyond, technology to enable surgery during long-range space travel is of great interest. We are developing technology to provide such capability in the unique environment of zero gravity, and have successfully deployed an automated suborbital experiment on Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShip Two in 2021. UofL’s Louisville Automation and Robotics Research institute (LARRI) is exploring these and other cutting-edge technologies, such as neuro-adaptive control algorithms, robotic nursing assistants, soft sensors to realize robotic skin, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to assist children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), digital twins, and drone technology.

Speaker: Dr. Tommy Roussel
Tuesday, December 6th, 2022
University of Louisville Golf Club

SCADA and Remote-Control Operations for Natural Gas

For over 100 years, natural gas has been known as a safe, cost-effective fuel source used in home heating and cooking, commercial, and industrial processes, and more recently power generation. As the industry has matured, so have the tools and technologies that are used to control the pipelines, valves, and regulators that are critical to the operation of the system. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems, along with PLCs and RTUs in the field, provide the operator with real-time capabilities to monitor and control the gas pipeline network which allows for improved operation and emergency response. In this talk, Brian will discuss how LG&E utilizes the SCADA system to safely deliver natural gas from the transmission pipeline to the customer’s home. […]

Speaker: Mr. Brian Lenhart III
Tuesday, Nov 8, 2022, 5:30 PM
LG&E Broadway Office Complex

Overview of SAMTEC Products and Manufacturing

Please join us for a 45-minute presentation on SAMTEC, Inc.  SAMTEC is a premier manufacturer of high-performance cables, fiber-optic and RF connectors.  Application areas will be discussed, along with manufacturing techniques, design and solutions/applications.

The presentation will be followed by a tour of SAMTEC’s manufacturing facility.  After the tour, we will regroup for a discussion and wrap-up.  We anticipate that the meeting should be complete by 4:00 pm.

Speaker: Mr. Jack Shine
Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2022, Presentation at 1:30 PM
SAMTEC, 520 Park E Blvd, New Albany, IN 47150
Price: FREE!!

Louisville Section Social Event – Lou City FC vs. Phoenix Rising FC

This is our annual social event at the Louisville Football Club game.  We will have access to the corner bar before the game.  The bar is no-host.  Carpooling is suggested.  All tickets will be electronic.  To receive your ticket from John Doyle, you will need a SeatGeek account.  Go to to set one up.  Once you pay for your tickets, they will be delivered to your SeatGeek account.  No printed tickets will be provided. 

You will have to download your tickets before entering the game.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022, 7:00 pm
Lynn Family Stadium, 350 Adams St, Louisville, KY 40206
Price: $20 Members/Guests, $15 Life Members and Students

Louisville Section Social Event – Louisville Bats vs. Iowa Cubs

This is our annual social event. We always get seats in the shade (Section 222), with access to
the VIP concierge level included in your ticket price. Printed tickets will be provided. You must
contact John Doyle to reserve your tickets. He will have to arrange to meet you with the
tickets before the game. We will be in Against the Grain before the game if you need to pick
up the tickets the day of the game. Don’t wait until the last minute!

Thursday, June 23, 2022, 7:00 PM
Bats Stadium, 401 East Main St, Louisville, KY 40202
Price: $15 Members/Guests, $10 Life Members, $5 Students

Classification of Blended and Single Malt Scotch Whiskey via Smart Sensing

Well-trained human experts can undoubtedly find the differences between whiskies, but it is still not an easy job for most consumers.  For whisky authentication to become a feasible option for consumers, a rapid and simple on-site authenticity assessment solution, or an electronic nose (e-nose), has been developed.  This talk will introduce a new e-nose prototype (NOS.E) developed by the NOS.E team to identify differences between whiskies. [ … ]

Speaker: Dr. Seun Akeyo
Thursday, May 19, 2022, 6:00 PM
WebEx Virtual Meeting
Price:  FREE!!
Price: $15 members and guests, $5 for Students – Feast Barbecue and Soft Drinks Served

Transmission Relaying and Communications

Electric Utilities have devised many different means to provide fast and reliable fault isolation on transmission lines over the last several decades.  End-to-end communications have played an important role in this pursuit.  With communications-assisted relaying schemes, line faults can be isolated much quicker, reducing risks to grid stability as well as damage caused by the fault.  In this talk, Jason will discuss some of the schemes and communication systems that have been employed in high-speed line relaying. […]

Speaker: Mr. Jason Finn
Tuesday, April 26, 2022, 7:00 PM
Louisville Gas and Electric, 820 W Broadway, Louisville, Kentucky, United States, 40202
Price: $20 members and guests, and $10 for Students – Pizza and Beer Included

Combatting the Spread of Online Misinformation

Dr. Thomas will discuss several different methods used to understand and describe human behavior on the Internet, and the effect of offline events on online communities. The central focus of this work is a broad investigation into how groups of people behave online. Dr. Thomas will present research into better understanding the effects of policies enacted by governments and social media companies on online behavior. A discussion of an alternative means, other than censorship, to inhibit the spread of misinformation and propaganda online will be presented, as well as preliminary results thereof. […]

Speaker: Dr. Pamela Thomas
Tuesday, February 22, 2022, 12:00 PM
The University Club of Louisville, 200 East Brandeis Avenue Louisville, Kentucky United States 40208
Price: $10 Members and Guests, $5 Students – Catered

Louisville & Lexington Sections Joint Holiday Party

Topic: Modernization of the Electric Grid at LG&E and KU

The electric distribution system is in a time of significant change.  Increasing customer expectations and technological advances have reshaped what services are desired and how those services are delivered.  LG&E and KU are in the process of implementing modern centralized monitoring and controls across the electric distribution system to better manage the service reliability, power quality, efficiency, and safety of energy delivered to customers.

Speaker: Dr. Nick Jewell
Tuesday, December 7, 2021
Doors & Cash Bar: 6:00 PM – Dinner: 6:30 PM – Presentation: 7:00 PM
University of Louisville Golf Club, 401 Champions Way, Simpsonville, KY 40067
Price: $20 members, guests, and students

Training today’s Students for Tomorrow’s Workforce: Automation and Industry 4.0

Participants will get a chance to tour the Amatrol manufacturing plant in Jeffersonville, Indiana and learn how Amatrol is designing training systems to teach tomorrow’s technologies for automation, robotics, mechatronics and Industry 4.0.  In-person IEEE meeting to follow Amatrol presentation and tour.

Speaker: Mr. Jason Everett
Tuesday, November 16th, 2021 – 10:00 AM
Amatrol Inc, 2400 Centennial Boulevard, Jeffersonville, Indiana, United States, 47130
Price: FREE!!

Louisville Section Social Event – Hive and Barrel Meadery

Topic: Mead Making

Join us in the beer garden at 3rd Turn Oldham Gardens, for a Louisville Section social meeting.  The section will host heavy hors d’ oeuvres from the Backside Grill at Oldham Gardens, and provide a taste of several meads from the Hive and Barrel Meadery.

The Hive and Barrel shares space with the 3rd Turn Brewery.  For those who don’t like mead, the 3rd Turn Oldham Gardens has 32 beers on tap.  This is a no host bar. 

Speaker: Joel Halbleib, Mead Maker
Friday, September 10, 2021, 5:00-7:00 PM
3rd TURN OLDHAM GARDENS, 6300 Old Lagrange Rd, Crestwood, KY 40014
Price: $10 Members/Guests, $10 Life Members, $5 Students

Louisville Section Social Event – Louisville Bats vs. Memphis Redbirds

This is our annual social event at the Louisville Bats game.  We always get seats in the shade (Section 222), with access to the VIP concierge level included in your ticket price.  Printed tickets will be provided.  You must contact John Doyle to reserve your tickets.  He will have to arrange to meet you with the tickets before the game.  We will be in Against the Grain before the game if you need to pick up the tickets the day of the game.  Don’t wait until the last minute!

Thursday, July 22, 2021, Game at 7:00 PM
Bats Stadium, 401 East Main St, Louisville, KY 40202
Price: $15 Members/Guests, $10 Life Members, $5 Students. 
$2.00 beer from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm, Ticket Price includes $5.00 in Concessions

Louisville Section Social Event – Racing Louisville FC vs. North Carolina Courage FC

This is the womens’ soccer (football) team. Group photo on field after the game.  Carpooling and prepaying parking is suggested.  All tickets will be electronic, and will be delivered to your SeatGeek account.  No printed tickets will be provided.  You have to download your tickets before entering the game.  Contact John Doyle to reserve your tickets and pay in advance.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021, 7:00 PM
Lynn Family Stadium, 350 Adams St, Louisville, KY 40206
Price: $20 Members/Guests, $15 Life Members, $10 Students

Batteries: How they are changing our world!

Participants will get a chance to learn more about how batteries are impacting all areas of our lives every day.  They are no longer just a part of simple portable devices and toys.  They are something bigger. The Crane Battery Innovation Center is exploring applications for batteries that are non-traditional and breakthrough technology evolutions.

Speaker: Mr. Ben Wrightsman
Wednesday, April 21, 2021, 7:00 PM
Location:  IEEE WebEx Virtual Meeting
Price:  FREE!!

Real-World Cybersecurity

Join us for a discussion with real security professionals. Our guest speaker is Brandon Grindatti, Security Engineer Specialist for Waystar Inc.  He specializes in Incident Response, Log Review, Malware Research, and remediation. He has a Bachelors of Science in Business Informatics. He is a IUS Computer Security Group Co-Founder, and four-time Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition competitor as well as four-time CCDC Room Judge.  He has worked in the Cyber Security Realm professionally for over five years, and as a hobbyist for over eight.  He is GIAC Certified for Incident Handling, and currently working on his CISSP.

Brandon will be talking about Ransomware, and how you get Pwned.

Speaker: Brandon Grindatti
26 Mar 2021, 06:30 PM to 07:30 PM
Location: Online via Zoom
Price: FREE!!

Measurement of student engagement in the STEM classroom using machine learning and biometrics

The measurement of student engagement in STEM courses (Science, Technology, Mathematics, and Engineering) is investigated using machine learning and biometrics to measure the emotional and behavioral states of students in the classroom. The approach collects multi-dimensional biometrics via camera and wristband monitors of facial expressions, eye gaze, hand/head/body movement, and heart rate. From these data, a software model is trained to classify student engagement. Engagement is classified from behavioral and emotional states with cognitive engagement inferred by machine learning. The ability to measure student engagement in real time can be used by the instructor to tailor the presentation of material in class, identify course material that engages and disengages with students, and identify students that are engaged, or disengaged and at risk of failure. Further, this approach allows quantitative comparison of teaching methods, such as lecture, flipped classrooms, classroom response systems, etc. such that an objective metric can be used to close the loop on teaching evaluation.

This work has been funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF).

Speaker: Dr. Chris Foreman
24 Mar 2021, 07:00 PM to 08:30 PM
Location: IEEE WebEx Virtual Meeting
Price: FREE!!

Advanced Control Systems for Grid Connected Inverters

Power Electronics are an enabling technology for a wide range of commercial and industrial applications.  Grid connected inverters are a central component of renewable energy sources (Photovoltaic Solar (PV-solar), wind), battery storage systems, as well as micro-grids. To optimally integrate these renewable resources, it is necessary to rethink the electric power grid itself by adjusting the centralized generation model and progressively transitioning to a distributed generation (DG) based power grid architecture through power electronic inverters and their control.

Our research focuses on developing novel control and observation strategies to improve the steady state error and dynamic performance of grid connected inverter systems. [ … ]

Speaker: Dr. Michael L. McIntyre, P.E. Associate Professor, ECE Department
Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2021, 7:00 PM to 8:00pm
Location:  IEEE WebEx Virtual Meeting
Price:  FREE!!

Integration of Large PV Power Plants and Batteries in the Electric Power System

The declining cost of renewable energy, coupled with the need for cleaner sources of energy and environmental protection policies have led to the growing penetration of inverter-based resources, such as solar photovoltaics (PV), wind, and Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) into the electric power system.

The intermittent nature of these resources poses multiple challenges to the power grid. [ … ]

This presentation will review an approach for developing detailed models of utility-scale solar PV and BESS that are validated using data retrieved from an operational 10 MW PV farm and 1 MW/2 MWh BESS.  [ … ]

Speaker: Dr. Seun Akeyo
Thursday, Dec. 17, 2020, 6:30 PM
Location:  IEEE WebEx Virtual Meeting
Price:  FREE!!